Nowadays, every kid has easy access to the internet and digital
devices. So it becomes easy to fall prey to the negative effects of social media
Do you know the number of cybercrime complaints increased from 17460 to 56,102 from 2020
to 2022 against children? . Therefore, it
becomes crucial to guide and manage the internet exposure of your kids. Today, we will discuss
the influence of social media on kids and how you can cope with it.

Screen Time
How your kid can get exposed to harmful content on the internet?
The main danger lies in getting exposed to harmful content on the internet. This can happen through several digital mediums in different ways. So before trying to manage this harmful exposure let’s understand its mediums.
Video platforms
Using apps like YouTube and Spotify is common among kids. From study purposes to entertainment, these apps come in handy. However, these apps also contain a huge amount of explicit and violent content. YouTube itself removed 120,000 sexually explicit videos from the platform in 2021. However, this is just a small chunk of the large pool.
Messaging Apps
Then, there are apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. where strangers can easily come into contact with your kids. In the recent events, hackers are trying to scam people through unknown WhatsApp calls. Not just kids but even well-informed adults are falling prey to such advanced scamming tactics
Influence of Social media apps
Social media apps like Instagram and Facebook have addictive nature. Moreover, kids connect with strangers without any guidance. Such apps can also induce depression on prolonged hours of usage
Dating apps
Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble can fall under the category of dangerous apps for kids. Under misguided usage, such apps can lead to distraction.
The negative impact of the Internet world on your kids
The negative effects of social media can be seen in several ways on your kids;
The cases of cyberbullying have become common knowledge. As per a report of The Print in 2022, 85% of children in India has experienced cyberbullying in some form.
As per Statista, on an average kids spend 3 hours a day on social media. This can even result in addiction. Moreover, prolonged exposure to blue light from screens can lead to several eye health issues.

Screen Time Monitor
Low self-esteem
Every post the happy moments of their lives on social media. Use of Photoshop and editing is very common to look good in pictures especially by youth. So kids start comparing themselves with the images of perfection they see on social media. As a result, the negative effects of social media can lead to low self-esteem among kids.
The comparison can also lead to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). This means experiencing anxiety while seeing other people happy or not being able to become a part of any event.
Underdeveloped social skills

Screen Time Monitor
The impact of social media includes texting instead of real talking. Kids engage less in human interactions. This leads to underdeveloped social skills and even social anxiety in extreme cases
Privacy concerns
The increase in cybercrimes also increases privacy concerns. Hacking of devices, leaking personal pictures, etc. incidents have increased significantly in the past decade.
How Baatu can help you safeguard the internet world for your kid?
The influence of social media on youth requires effective measures of coping. The safety of your kids lies in your own hands. And Baatu is helping parents to allow their kids to leverage the advatanges of internet while keeping the harmful aspects away.
Baatu is an effective digital monitor which allows parents to keep a check on their kid’s internet exposure. It comes with a screening schedule where parents decide the sleep time of the phone. This limits the excessive internet usage of the kids. Similarly, it comes with a “Stay connected” feature which helps in monitoring all incoming and outgoing calls. So you know that your kid is in the right company
- Visual trackers
Baatu has a visual tracking feature that blocks inappropriate videos and images on the applications. Parents can also get an alert if the kids are engaging in violent content.
- Self-harm detection
If your kid searches for potential self-harm issues, then you will get an alert.
- App control
The app control features provide a detailed report of time spent on each application by your kid. You can also limit the time of usage to avoid distractions.
- Network detection
If your kids enter a low-network area, then you will immediately get an alert. So no need to worry about “out of network calls” anymore.
- Digital curfew
With the digital curfew feature, you can easily decide the off-screen and on-screen time. You can even lock the phone to help your kids.
Social media and the internet has become a crucial part of our kid’s life. With online study modes and the competition of skill development, every kid requires access to internet. However, with Baatu, you can make sure that your kids are getting the best of the internet and social media only. Baatu helps in avoding the negative effects of social media and internet through its unique features such as digital curfew, app control and visual trackers.
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